Soooo I decided I should post some of my workouts that I like in this thing to a) have a go/to place to reference workouts when I'm too lazy to think of a new one and b) for other people to try them out =D Below are two workouts I did the past two days leaving my body feeling such a good state of sore:
- 3 sets of calf raise progression (30 of each position, slow and controlled. Don't let heels hit the ground on the way down. Click here for foot position references)
- Feet together
- 1st position
- 2nd position
- 3rd position (left foot forward)
- 3rd position (right left forward)
- Feet inverted
- Right leg only
- Left leg only
- 200 squats
- 100 push-ups
- 30 pull-ups
Shoulder/Abs Pyramid
- 10 bosu ball push-ups
- 100 weighted russian twists
- 9 bosu ball push-ups
- 90 flutter kicks
- 8 bosu ball push-ups
- 80 heel touches
- 7 bosu ball push-ups
- 70 supermans
- 6 yoga ball pike push-ups
- 60 hand over head crunches
- 5 yoga ball pike push-ups
- 50s plank
- 4 yoga ball pike push-ups
- 40 hanging leg lifts
- 3 medicine ball push-ups
- 30 bosu ball lemon squeezers
- 2 medicine ball push-ups
- 20 inverted bench boxer sit-ups
- 1 medicine ball push-up
- 10 v-ups
Let me know what you think =D
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