This year has been a particular struggle for me in terms of maintaining a healthy and well-balanced lifestyle. This past weekend was a wedding weekend for me...the 1st of 7 weddings I've been invited to/have some sort of role in this year. Albeit EXTREMELY FUN, I spent Friday - Monday volleying between bouts of drunkenness amidst friends and partying and being hungover at work (SO NOT FUN). I didn't track, but I'm pretty positive my caloric consumption each day consisted primarily of alcohol. What the heck am I doing?!
The beginning of the year and as I prepped for my Mexico/El Potrero Chico trip, I trained so hard, ate so well, and was able to control my alcohol intake to keep my training schedule. After my trip I've gone through crazy bouts of excessive drinking/eating and "crash dieting"/excessive working out for a particular event I want to look good for. This is NOT the way! I still struggle with the question of what's better: a) maintaining a balanced, healthy lifestyle at all times or b) eating whatever and working everything off. I'm pretty sure option a is the way to go, so I'm trying to get back on track =] The past two days have been completely alcohol-free, I've eaten pretty healthy, I've been working out (maybe a little too much? I think I pulled my hamstring..oops!), and I feel great (other than said hamstring...and serious soreness...everywhere)! Here we go! Who's with me?
"Just because someone stumbles and loses their way doesn't mean they're lost forever" - Professor X
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